пятница, 29 марта 2013 г.

5 Keys to Speeding Up Your Metabolism to Lose Weight While Eating Healthy Good Nutrition

Daily Quote: "Exercise helps you lose and control weight in two ways. First, by elevating your metabolism you burn more calories. Second, by building muscle - which requires more energy to maintain - you use even more calories. Exercising promotes better elimination and circulation that helps body cleansing!" - Paul Bragg

"Breathing deeply, fully and completely energizes the body, calms the nerves, fills you with peace, and helps keep you youthful." - Paul Bragg

A very important part of a healthy lifestyle is to exercise your body correctly and consistently and to practice deep breathing. These keys are in addition, of course, to good nutrition and eating healthy. Let me emphasize that the starting point to improving your health and losing unhealthy weight is to start eating healthy live organic whole food and to stop eating denatured, packaged, unhealthy dead processed man-made "foods" which are loaded with toxins, unhealthy fats, sugars, salt, and excit0-toxins. In other words, first focus on creating a healthy nutritious diet that will sustain your body and give it the nutrition it needs to function properly, and then, add healthy daily exercise and deep breathing.

A few years ago when I was trying to improve my health and lose weight, I first completely transformed my diet and eating habits. I quickly started losing weight and enjoying better health. However, my weight loss slowly came to a standstill after losing about 15 pounds. I couldn't figure out why until I realized that I wasn't exercising.

As soon as I started daily exercising, something changed in my body and I began to continue to lose more weight. I believe now that "something" was my metabolism changing from a slowed down metabolism to a higher metabolism. In other words, because I had added regular exercise to my body and routine, my metabolism sped up and adjusted itself in order to burn fat more efficiently and to stop storing fat as it had been. This one change made a huge impact on my weight loss and my personal fitness. I not only lost another 10-12 pounds, but I became more physically fit.

Regular exercise can benefit your body in many ways. First, exercise helps break up stress and tension and helps release it from the body. Stress is negative energy that wears down your body, but exercise allows it to leave the body. Second, exercise increases oxygen to the cells, which is necessary for life and vitality. Third, exercise stimulates every cell in the body in order to help eliminate toxic waste. Every cell produces its own toxic waste, and every cell needs stimulation to eliminate that toxic waste and remain healthy. Fourth, exercise increases the movement of lymph fluid in the body, which is an important factor in the process of elimination of toxins. Most people's lymphatic systems are dangerously sluggish and clogged, and moving the body through exercise helps to start moving the lymph fluid. Fifth, exercise opens the channels in the body to help the electromagnetic energy to flow freely and unhindered. This energy gives life to the body's cells, but it must not be blocked or congested in order for it to flow freely through the body to do its job of energizing the body's cells.


I would like to share with you the 5-step exercise routine that I used to help me get over the hump and lose even more weight, as well as to become more physically fit. I encourage you to follow my example and start implementing a daily exercise routing including these 5 steps. One of the keys to my exercise routine was to include both aerobic and anaerobic exercise on a consistent daily basis.

One of the main reasons why I had gained weight was that my metabolism had slowed down. When I was younger, I could eat almost anything without gaining weight because I had a fast metabolism. However, once I got into my forties, my metabolism really slowed down and I started gaining quite a bit of weight because I was not eating the right kinds of food and I wasn't exercising. There are certain glands and organs in the body (such as the thyroid, pancreas, liver, stomach, small & large intestines, and colon) that regulate how well the body burns food for fuel and how it also converts food into stored fat. When some of these glands and organs are clogged or sluggish or not functioning properly, a person's metabolism slows down and starts converting more and more food into fat instead of fuel.

What are the two biggest reasons for a slow metabolism? The first major cause of a slow metabolism is the amount of toxins you are putting into your body. Most of these toxins enter your body through what you eat and drink, in other words, through an unhealthy diet. These toxins include artificial food additives, chemical residues used in growing food that are transferred to your body, artificial sweeteners like aspartame and excito-toxins like MSG, prescription and non-prescription drugs, as well as the toxins in the water supply such as fluoride and chlorine. These are toxins that cause your metabolism to slow down, which in turn causes your body to store your food energy as fat.

The second major cause of a slow metabolism is a low amount of muscle in your body and a lack of regular walking exercise. The more muscle your body has, the higher your metabolism will be. Unfortunately, most Americans have an abnormally low amount of muscles in their bodies, which means that they don't burn calories as efficiently as they could. Also, a lack of walking exercise significantly lowers a person's metabolism. The human body is designed to walk, and when a person stops walking on a daily basis, their metabolism adjusts and begins to slow down.

KEY I - Take a swift "POWER WALK"

every day in the sunshine for 30-60 minutes. Your body was designed to walk. Walking every day will help make you thin and keep you thin because it gives your body the kind of exercise it needs, and because it will help to readjust your metabolism by speeding it up to burn fat more efficiently and to stop storing energy fuel as fat. The common denominator of thin, lean people all over the world is that they walk over 5 miles a day, whereas the typical American walks only one tenth of a mile a day. Remember, don't just go for a slow casual "stroll" through the park. A power walk means that you are to walk swiftly with exertion so that your heart and lungs have to work harder. If you want to, you may combine walking with some jogging. I would recommend that you use your 30-60 minutes of walking time to pray, or to meditate, or to listen to inspiring music on your iPod. After you get in the habit of taking your daily power walk, your body will crave this activity and you will look forward to it every day. It won't be a drudgery, but rather a joy and pleasure. Oh, I almost forgot. Don't do your power walk on busy streets that are filled with toxic poisonous gases from cars, buses, and trucks. Find a peaceful, quiet place like a local park where you can breathe in fresh, clean air.


to increase the oxygen in your lungs and body. Most people don't breathe deeply enough to stimulate their metabolism and fat burning capabilities. You can do this throughout your day, but make sure to do this especially while you are out taking your power walk. Learn to start breathing in very deeply, from your belly, up through your lungs, filling your lungs with more and more oxygen. I'm normally a very shallow breather; however, by practicing deep breathing exercises, I have been able to increase the amount of oxygen in my lungs, which has had an effect on my whole body. I would recommend that you practice breathing deeply throughout your day. Write on a small index card the words, "Breathe deeply," and tape it in front of your desk or computer and in your car as an hourly reminder.


every other day to increase your muscle strength. Get a set of 3 pound or 5 pound weights to start out with. After several months, you can increase the weight from 3 to 5 pounds, or from 5 to 10 pounds. Develop some simple lifting routines to work your various upper body muscles. Keep a record of how many repetitions you do, and then try to increase that every day. When I first started doing this, I actually combined my small weight lifting routine with a small stepper so that I was working my lower body as well. You can find a small stepper machine at your local sporting goods store. It's a small 1 foot by 1 foot machine that you stand on and step up and down on. It has small hydraulic pumps that create resistance so that it gives you the feeling that you're climbing stairs. I recommend that you do this along with your weight lifting routine so that you're exercising both your upper and lower body. Start slowly lifting weights every other day for about 10 minutes, and then increase that time slowly until you're doing this for 20-30 minutes a day. Remember, only lift weights every other day, not every day because your muscles need time to rest and rebuild themselves. You'll be amazed at the difference 20 minutes a day of small weight lifting will do for your body.

KEY IV - Use a "REBOUNDER" for 5-10 minutes a day.

A rebounder is a mini-trampoline about 4 feet in diameter, on which you gently bounce up and down. Doing this allows you to stimulate and strengthen every cell in your body simultaneously, stimulate your lymphatic system, and increase your metabolism. It is also very effective for weight loss.


Enjoy the pleasure of vigorous sex with your spouse daily. Start incorporating sexercise into your daily exercise routine, but don't make it routine. Keep it creatively spiced up with variety. Various studies have shown that vigorous daily sex burns fat and improves your health. If you don't believe me, try it. It's fun, it's free, and it feels fantastic!

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четверг, 28 марта 2013 г.

Weight Loss Success: What Is The Secret?

Have you added a few pounds lately that you would like to get rid of? Many of us are guilty of allowing the weight to slowly creep on until we suddenly realize that we can't squeeze into those jeans anymore. If you are unhappy with your body, you need to find out about the secret of weight loss success.

The number one thing that you need to know in order to take control of your weight and get the body that you want is this: you need to make healthy lifestyle changes. Fad diets, pills, patches, vibrating belts and all other manner of diet paraphernalia are not necessary.

Going on fad diet after fad diet can actually do more harm to your metabolism than good. The reason for this is that when you suddenly drastically drop calories, your body thinks that it is entering a famine period and stores away as much energy as possible. The key is looking at your eating habits and making healthy changes that are going to last.

Educate yourself about the foods that you are putting in your mouth and ensure that you are eating a balanced diet. Cut down on all processed and packaged foods and eat as much fresh food as you can. This should include plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables. It is also best if you change your eating habits from three "square" meals a day, to five smaller meals spaced out throughout the day.

As well as changing your eating habits, you need to ensure that you are drinking plenty of water to stay hydrated. You need eight glasses of water every day in order for your kidneys to filter properly and your digestive system to be able to function effectively. A great way to start your metabolism in the morning is with a glass of water with squeezed lemon added.

The next aspect that you need to cover is exercise. Becoming active is essential is you want to lose the pounds and get your figure back. This might be the part that you are dreading, but the good news is that you do not need to spend your time lifting weights or running on a treadmill if you don't want to.

If you really want to lose the weight, then you need to find a kind of exercise that you enjoy and you are motivated by. If you enjoy running, then great go for it, but many people are not into this kind of exercise. Find a dance class, yoga, social tennis, join a squash ladder or any other kind of movement that you enjoy doing. Another alternative to get you moving is to find a sidekick to do it with you. You are much more likely to stick to the routine if you have someone to do it with.

The secret of weight loss success is making significant lifestyle changes. Through making positive changes to your diet and exercise programs you can drop the pounds, keep them off for good and feel much more energetic.

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вторник, 19 марта 2013 г.

У Кличко рассказали, что будет с переплаченными коммунальными платежами

В Блоке Виталия Кличко утверждают, что переплаченные киевлянами в июне-августе средства будут либо возвращены наличными, либо зачтены как оплата за последующие месяцы.

В частности, как сообщает "Фокус", Шевченковский районный суд столицы уже признал неправомерными действия Киевской горгосадминистрации по принятию распоряжений о повышении тарифов на жилищно-коммунальные услуги.

Распоряжения от 29 апреля №516, №518 и №520 признаны незаконными и недействующими с момента их принятия. Решение было принято сегодня утром по иску депутата Киевсовета Виталия Кличко к КГГА.

"Мы призывали и призываем жителей столицы платить по старым тарифам. Образец заявления на пересчет в ближайшее время каждый сможет получить в наших депутатских приемных", - сообщают в Блоке Кличко.

See also пролежни лечение белый налет на языке у ребенка лечение артериального давления растение золотой ус рецепты endokrinolog.com деревій звичайний бабочки на ногтях мазь от грибка на ногах роспись ногтей фото центр репродукции человека харьков

воскресенье, 17 марта 2013 г.

Weight Loss - Change Your Life Style

The only way to lose weight is to change your attitude and the life style that you are following. If you really want to see you in a good shape or a healthier physique you should be ready to bring some changes in your behaviour and habits. When you prepare to do some thing positive to reduce your body weight you should focus more on healthy diet and regular exercise.

The first step towards weight loss is observing your present food habits. Closely watch what all that you consume a day to assess how healthy is your food habits. You should closely watch your uncovering behaviour that makes you over eat even while you are engaged in activities like watching or reading some thing.

Your desire for weight loss can be accomplished easily if your family members are willing to support your venture. It is the best way to maintain the new life style that you have adopted with an intention to loss your body weight. If your family is ready to cop up with your new life style that requires a controlled healthy diet and increased physical activities you will be able to continue the new life style that may ultimately lead to weight loss.

The best way to make your physical exercise regular and a part of your routine is joining a health club near to your house. At home you may not be able to do the right exercises required for weight loss. It is always advisable to consult an expert trainer to understand the exercises that suit your body and age.

You can also join in your local community clubs that have regular team sports and outings to make your weight loss programme more easy and interested. Instigate your family members or your neighbours to come with you for morning walk or jogging to avoid the boring of walking alone.

Weight loss is not some thing that can be achieved in one or two days and focus on a long term goal instead of a quick fix. If you want to know more about healthy diet and behavioural changes you can consult a weight-loss counsellor to know the details of healthy diet.

A variety of options are now available to accelerate your weight loss programme. And always remember that the key to successful weight loss is good eating habits and regular exercise.

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суббота, 9 марта 2013 г.

Промсвязьбанк — виды займов

АКБ Промсвязьбанк — это один из крупнейших частных банков, который входит в ТОП-10 передовых кредитных организаций России. На банковском рынке кредитная организация предлагает следующие виды кредитов:

Потребительский кредит — выдаваемый банковским учреждением частным и корпоративным лицам в целях покупки вещей с перенесением срока расчета за полученные вещи, с последующим покрытием занятых денег и процентной ставки по займу.

Банковские кредитные карты — современная разновидность наличного кредитования, позволяющие покупать разнообразные вещи без дополнительного визита в банк с кредитным лимитом с дальнейшим возмещением одолженных денежных средств АКБ Промсвязьбанку.

Основными функциями кредитных карт являются снятие наличных средств в банкоматных устройствах или отделениях банковского учреждения, а также отзывы о банках в терминалах партнерских кредитных организациях. Также карты Промсвязьбанка дают возможность делать безнальные переводы сумм, а также производить оплату товаров и услуг. Заявка На Кредит.

В Промсвязьбанке широко представлено ипотечное кредитование. Кредитная программа по ипотеке дает возможность получить жилую недвижимость с минимальным вложением собственных средств, за счет денег банковского учреждения, с последующим компенсацией одолженных суммы под низкую процентную ставку. В качестве залога выступает приобретаемый объект недвижимости. При этом, недвижимость застраховывается от стихийных бедствий, помимо этого подлежит страхованию жизнь и здоровье оформившего заем.

пятница, 8 марта 2013 г.

The Fastest Way to Lose Weight Includes Real Foods - Forget Counting Calories!

People often mistakenly believe that the fastest way to lose weight is to cut back drastically on calories, or to fast and not eat anything at all. Sure, you will lose a few pounds quickly - but it won't be permanent, and your body will likely suffer for it. There is an easy, healthy way to lose all of the weight you want to lose without ever counting a calorie, taking a diet pill or eating a pre-packaged diet meal, and it involves REAL, ordinary food.

You may not realize it, but food is your friend. The problem is, you don't know how to eat it in a way that turns your fat-burning hormones on, so that your metabolism works at its optimum level. The truth is, most people can lose 8 or 9 pounds in only a couple of weeks without depriving themselves of real food - the secret lies in knowing how this works.

Think of all of the diets you have tried before. If they did not work then, why would they work now? In all honestly, when you try the same things over and over again you usually get the same results, and that's not working for you.

The fastest way to lose weight involves:

Eating foods in certain combinations and at certain intervals, so that your body produces more fat-burning hormones.

"Calorie shifting", which simply means that you switch up the foods you eat regularly, so that you are eating different types of calories; this "tricks" your metabolism in to burning fat and calories continuously.

Eating more instead of eating less. As crazy as it sounds, your metabolism needs food in order to work efficiently. Food is the "fuel" for your metabolism. When you drastically cut down the number of calories you consume each day (which means eating less), your metabolism compensates for this reduction in calories by slowing down - which means less weight loss.

It should be a huge relief to those who have tried everything under the sun to know there IS hope, and that the fastest way to lose weight does not involve starvation, dangerous diet pills or eating carrot sticks...

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