четверг, 28 марта 2013 г.

Weight Loss Success: What Is The Secret?

Have you added a few pounds lately that you would like to get rid of? Many of us are guilty of allowing the weight to slowly creep on until we suddenly realize that we can't squeeze into those jeans anymore. If you are unhappy with your body, you need to find out about the secret of weight loss success.

The number one thing that you need to know in order to take control of your weight and get the body that you want is this: you need to make healthy lifestyle changes. Fad diets, pills, patches, vibrating belts and all other manner of diet paraphernalia are not necessary.

Going on fad diet after fad diet can actually do more harm to your metabolism than good. The reason for this is that when you suddenly drastically drop calories, your body thinks that it is entering a famine period and stores away as much energy as possible. The key is looking at your eating habits and making healthy changes that are going to last.

Educate yourself about the foods that you are putting in your mouth and ensure that you are eating a balanced diet. Cut down on all processed and packaged foods and eat as much fresh food as you can. This should include plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables. It is also best if you change your eating habits from three "square" meals a day, to five smaller meals spaced out throughout the day.

As well as changing your eating habits, you need to ensure that you are drinking plenty of water to stay hydrated. You need eight glasses of water every day in order for your kidneys to filter properly and your digestive system to be able to function effectively. A great way to start your metabolism in the morning is with a glass of water with squeezed lemon added.

The next aspect that you need to cover is exercise. Becoming active is essential is you want to lose the pounds and get your figure back. This might be the part that you are dreading, but the good news is that you do not need to spend your time lifting weights or running on a treadmill if you don't want to.

If you really want to lose the weight, then you need to find a kind of exercise that you enjoy and you are motivated by. If you enjoy running, then great go for it, but many people are not into this kind of exercise. Find a dance class, yoga, social tennis, join a squash ladder or any other kind of movement that you enjoy doing. Another alternative to get you moving is to find a sidekick to do it with you. You are much more likely to stick to the routine if you have someone to do it with.

The secret of weight loss success is making significant lifestyle changes. Through making positive changes to your diet and exercise programs you can drop the pounds, keep them off for good and feel much more energetic.

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